Our Vaccine Research
We test investigational vaccines, virus strains to use in future vaccines and conduct surveillance studies.

CIR faculty are experts in the conduct of clinical trials to evaluate investigational vaccines and generate knowledge about the behavior of pathogens. They conduct early-phase trials to evaluate the safety, immunogenicity, and efficacy of investigational vaccines. Our challenge studies (conducted with adult participants) help characterize the virulence of wild-type viruses and determine the efficacy of vaccines and antiviral agents. We also conduct surveillance for respiratory viruses in pediatric and adult populations.
Explore our vaccine research

Mucosal Research
Mucosal Vaccines and Challenge (MVAC) team conducts investigational vaccine studies for ETEC, Shigella, Cholera, Campy, Ebola, and Influenza as well as challenge studies.

Flavivirus Research
The Flavivirus Immunization Research and Education (FIRE) team conducts investigational vaccine studies for diseases like Dengue Fever, Zika and West Nile.

Pediatric Research
The RSVPed team conducts investigational vaccine trials in infants and children and surveillance of respiratory viruses.

COVID-19 Research
During the race to delevlop safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines, the RSVPed, FIRE and MVAC teams participated in the evaluation of several COVID-19 vaccine candidates, including Pfizer, Astra Zeneca.